Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - The Cultures Guide

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - The Cultures Guide - After many years of waiting, we finally got the early access version of Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord, and as far as we have seen, the first reactions are that the game is fine. We will publish our impression article in a few days. However, we have not been able to make it possible to write something in advance, so we wanted to get started early by introducing new content (nations) in Bannerlord to our content articles in order to facilitate your choice when starting the game.

Bannerlord begins on the eve of the civil war, which led to the disintegration of the ancient empire that ruled the land for a long time, and the emergence of nations in Warband, 210 years ago. So even though some of the new games resemble their successors in Warband, there are exciting new cultures, so let's look at them one by one:

1000 years ago, Calradia was an unlawful continent invaded by countless tribes. However, this chaos has ended with the (usually forcibly) confederation of the city states around the Calradoi tribe, and it has ruled the center of Calradia for 1000 years, although there are always several problems.

However, in this state, which was established as a democracy with the principle of "Calradoi does not have a king", military leaders gradually strengthened and decreed their kingdoms as time passed, and in the end, little remained from democracy. Now the country is dragged into a bloody civil war between the last emperor being assassinated without showing an heir, the South supporting the royal family, the North supporting the senate, and the West dominated by the military. Moreover, the surrounding cultures, who saw this opportunity, took action to break the biggest piece they could break in this crisis environment.


Empire inspired by the Roman Empire with its past; It carries these traces in its cities, traditions and, of course, in the army. Imperial cities, in particular, are the richest and most productive settlements of the land thanks to 1000 years of development. Imperial army is specialized in every field in general and has a structurally diverse structure. As equipment, they are advantageous compared to other cultures as a result of 1000 years of discipline and development. Catafracts, inspired by the heavily armored cavalry of Byzantium, are the most important power of the Empire.

If you want to save the 1000-year-long order from the chaos that it has been disciplined and active in every field and return it to its bright days, the Empire will generously reward your help.

> Imperial Contribution: 20% construction speed bonus on city projects, city wall repairs and siege weapons.


Called as mercenaries from distant lands during the weak periods of the empire, the Vlandians, as time went on, grew and strengthened, became entitled to the great lands, and eventually became the absolute ruler of the West, declaring their independence at a weak moment of the Empire.

Although it is the largest state in terms of land size, it will be a challenging game throughout the game to stop the internal bickering of the Viennese barons and focus on external problems as it is formed by the merger of strong feudal principalities. Although it seems strong, there is a state that can be cluttered at any moment.

The Norwegians were inspired by the Normans, who settled in northern France in the Middle Ages and later established various kingdoms in a vast geography, from England to the Holy Land. In addition, this state is the origin of the Swadya, Rodok and Veagir nations in Warband, the part of the map already in Warband is predominantly Vlandia.

The Viennese army is also based on the Norman roots and hence the Middle Ages, especially its crossbows and heavy cavalry, the shining troops of Vlandia. Of course, every cavalry must be cautious when attacking a solid spear wall, but it must be admitted that if it is directed correctly, it has a rather overwhelming power.

If you want to deal with frequent internal conflicts and pierce enemy lines with your heavy cavalry troops from the Middle Ages, Vlandia will give you what you want in this regard.

> Vlandian Contribution: Soldiers earn 20% more Experience Points than battles.


The Sturgians, who lived in the desolate and cold forests of the north and struggled in the snow throughout their lives, had become rich in time thanks to the fur trade that developed with the expansion of the empire, and emerged as a central power as a result of the alliances of the adventurous wealth hunters and local tribal elders.

As you can imagine, this nation, which is heavily inspired by the Slavs and the Viking culture with its medieval warriors, is also the forerunner of the Nord nation in Warband. However, as we said at the beginning, the Sturgiya army also contains cavalry troops, as opposed to the Nord, as it is heavily influenced by Slavic culture.

Don't worry though, as you would expect, in this brave people of the north, the army's center still forms regular infantry troops, and they are very skilled at stopping enemy raids with their tough shields.

If you want to experience an adventure full of traces of Nordic culture and melt enemy cavalry one by one in front of the front infantry line, these snow covered lands are cut out for you.

> Sturgiya Additive: Snowy soil slows down by 20%.


Living for centuries in the vast grass seas of the east, living away from conquests and great struggles, living in a nomadic way, engaging in their internal struggles, the nomadic clans began collectively moving westward for an unknown reason two years ago and became a nation by conquering the empire's commercially rich eastern cities. Even though there are still problems with their internal troops due to their unconventional structures, the Kuzaitler has been a great threat to the Empire, ready to move at any moment since.

The nomadic peoples of Central Asia, the Mongolians and the Kuzaids, inspired by the Turks; Like these nations, although they have been settled, they are still firmly attached to the legacy of their old nomadic lives. The Kergites in Warband are also among the clans in the Kuzait.

The armies of the Kuzaits, who started before they even learned to walk a horse, consisted of horsemen. Kuzaitler, who has a skill that other nations lack, such as shooting arrows while on a horse, is famous for destroying the enemy army without even approaching them when they use the battlefield well.

The steppes of the East are waiting for you if you want to blow like your wind in open plains with your cavalry and melt your enemies who desperately run after you by pouring arrows.

> Kuzait Contribution: 10% extra speed bonus for horsemen on the expedition map.


Surrounding the south of the empire, the Bronze Desert Nahasa has hosted the people of Aseray who lived in the fertile oases of this desert, divided into dozens of clans since time immemorial. Even though the Empire did not dare send its armies to this endless desert even in its most brilliant times, it managed to protect its interests by using internal conflicts for its own benefit. But now with the weakening of the Empire, the people of Aseray managed to form an alliance under the auspices of a single sultan.

Aseray culture derives its roots from Arab tribes who have established a caliphate that spanned three continents with the great Islamic conquests of the 7th century. Although the vast majority of their lands are just like the desert, just like them, the people of Aseray have managed to establish large settlements thanks to trade.

Although the army structure is balanced, especially the infantry that can use the spear skillfully and the light cavalry which have the advantage of the famous Arabian horses are the strengths of the Aseray army.

If you are one of those who say it is time to blow the sand storms in the endless deserts of the South in the fertile lands of Calradia, Aseray will be the right choice.

> Aseray Contribution: Creating caravans is 30% cheaper, 10% less trade revenue loss.


Wild Blankets living in the misty hills of the Northwest boldly blasted the Imperial legions, then the Sturgiya and Vlandian kingdoms from their high fortresses; They had always been a nightmare of the peoples living in the plains with their sudden attack from the forests.

Designed with inspiration from the Celts, the ancient settlers of Britain, the Battanians are a people who have dwelled in deep forests and high hills just like them. Although they are not as skilled at conquering as their neighbors, their blunt warriors are more capable than anyone else in killing their enemies.

In accordance with the geography they live in, the core of the Batanya troops are the fearless infantry with the most talented archers and giant axes in the land.

Famous for its dazzled warriors who fear their entire land from their high castles that their enemies do not dare to approach, this culture will provide the soldiers they want with players who do not want to breathe their enemies by jumping out of the forests.

> Contribution of the Battery: Forests slow 10% less.

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